
Hip Flexor Stretch for Active Flexibility :-)

Hip Flexor Stretch for Active Flexibility :-) Many people can benefit from kinetically stretching their hip flexors :-). Prolong sitting, along with physical activities like running, cycling, and lifting, for example, all can impact the flexibility of our hip flexors along with the ability to engage our glutes. This Flexibility Script video demonstrates an Active Flexibility exercise that focuses on engaging the glutes to drive in and out of a hip flexor stretch. Mobility issues with your hip flexors can mechanically restrict movement into hip extension which is needed to really activate the glutes. When the glutes stop fully activating during functional movement, the risk of injury is significantly greater, as they have such an important stabilizing role in the overall movements of the body. The hamstrings and lower back musculature will overcompensate for the hip flexors, and they will try to help the glutes out....and though they are trying to help the glutes, many people will experience low back pain or hamstring injuries simply due to lacking the ability to fully extend their hip and have their glutes help the way they are designed. Help yourself and get your glutes doing the work to help open up your hip flexors :-)!


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