
Outcomes - One Of The 4 Pillars Of NLP

Outcomes - One Of The 4 Pillars Of NLP ✔️SUBSCRIBE✔️

Outcomes - One Of The 4 Pillars Of NLP. This Pillar is a very important part of NLP and our life because it will Determine The actions we take according to our outcomes we want to achieve...

Last Friday we started our training with state management, how to manage our internal state to achieve our outcomes...

We learned about being in a Peak State so we have access to all our memory, knowledge, experiences, energy, resources, etc, to achieve our desired outcomes...

A student asked, should we be in a Peak State all the time?...

Great question...

Now depending on my desired outcome my State will look different...

If I’m going to give a talk or presentation at work I want to be totally switched on, engaging energetic, expressive, influencing state, depending on the outcome I want to achieve...

On the other hand if I’m going to be attending a meditation class I wouldn’t show up the same way as I do in the meeting or presentation...

I still can access a specific State yet I’m less expressive with my body, talk softer, move slower, breathe deeper etc, yet I’m still fully in control working towards my outcome which would be to get into a more relaxed state...

We have many different states we can get into depending on the outcome I want to achieve in THIS situation...

You can ask yourself a very important question, will this action, state, behavior lead me to my desired outcome?

It’s a great question to ask because sometimes life can get busy and we just may get caught up in the details taking our focus off our desired outcome...

Focus on achieving your outcomes and I know you will start to create more time in your calendar and increase the results in your life...

What are the 3 most important outcomes I want to achieve today?...

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NLP Master Coach & Trainer = or

what is outcomes,what is outcomes based education,what is outcomes based learning,what is student learning outcomes,what is an outcome,what is an outcome budget,what is outcome health,what is outcome relationship,what is outcome life,what is outcome communication,what is outcome money,what is outcome financial,4 pillars of nlp,

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