
Transcending the 3rd Dimension: How to Do it NOW

Transcending the 3rd Dimension: How to Do it NOW This video will show you how to transcend the 3rd dimension and exactly how to do it NOW. NOW is the time of awakening and NOW is the time of transcending to a totally new level.

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Einstein so that you cannot solve a problem from the same level of thinking that the problem was created. Now in the same way you cannot transcend that or the third dimension from the same level of thinking that's keeping you trapped in the third dimension and this video, I'm gonna show you how to transcend it. Welcome back to another video. My name is Aaron and I help people expand their consciousness. Now in this video I'm going to be sharing with you exactly how you can transcend what is called the third dimension, understanding the perspectives that will take you beyond it so that you start to exist in a higher vibrational paradigm. So first off you might be asking yourself a little bit, you might be like, Yo Aaron, what's this third dimension that you're talking about? This just like three d reality. It is. The third dimension is actually as a cycle what the planet and we on the planets are moving out of.

We are moving out of a third dimensional level of consciousness, three d consciousness. And the third dimension is all about duality. It is about separation. It is about control. It is really the, the desires of the attachment with the ego. Think of this kind of like the solar plexus in a way. Think of it like the shock Russ. You've got the root shock or the sacral Chakra, the solar plexus, which is the third Chakra. And then once you move past that, you get to the heart, the heart shock grow. Now we are moving from the third shock Hra to the fourth shocker, but don't misinterpret it and think that doesn't mean that we're not lighting up other parts of our shock for us. But in general what we are doing is we were moving from a per dominant level of consciousness, from being in this separation mindset of attachment and especially these lower vibrational emotions.

We're moving out of that and into a paradigm of love and connection and it's been happening and will continue to happen on the planet right now. It is the main reason you incarnated at this time. You might look around and be like, Yo, there's seven and a half plus billion people on the planet. Why is there so many people here? Well, the reason being is because we knew at a soul level that come in here right now, we had this opportunity for this upgrade. We had this opportunity to upgrade our level of consciousness and to go beyond that which we priorly were cause to go beyond that and the limited ego self to be go beyond that of the attachments that we had and when we knew that we decided to come here because we knew that we could get that of thousands of years of transformation in this one lifetime.

Think of this lifetime as the ability to do what is called graduate graduate from one level of consciousness to another level of consciousness graduate from that of the separation to belief in separations, that we have the belief that we're all separate, that we're not connected, this belief that we have to feel like we're a victim of our past that were in this victim mentality. Moving into that are the higher level paradigm where we realized that we are all connected. So just a brief overview of knowing what we're moving out of and what we're moving into. Think of that. Of the three d like duality, good, bad light, dark up, down attachment to certain thinking. The whole purpose of the news and the media keeping you inside that have a lower level paradigm way of thinking or reacting to the environment is that then you remain in that frequency band.

That is always in reaction. That's never, you can't really think for yourself when you're always worried. He'd look behind your back for things that are happening. Well, that's why 99.9% of what you see on the news is negative because it keeps you in that frequency band and then you're much more controllable. You're not going to really step outside too much because by the time you go home from your eight to five job working, going, doing the errands on your days off, getting, making sure everyone in the family is good. You don't really have time to sit down and go...

Adventures by A Himitsu
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0

Music released by Argofox
Music provided by Audio Library

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