
Come in Agreement with ONE TRUTH=JESUS KING OF KINGS!& Don't give up!

Come in Agreement with ONE TRUTH=JESUS KING OF KINGS!& Don't give up! Jesus is real! The Holy Spirit IS REAL! Jesus is the Truth the WAY and the LIFE! God's instructions for mankind are written in the Holy Bible KJV- best version I've read if you want ALL truth and no added words/wordplay/tricks/removed verses/NWO speech added into scripture. Don't give up! This is a daily struggle a spiritual war! FIGHT! Church buildings are spiritually DEAD! Your body is the Temple of the Living God! Are you tired? Rest everyday IN the Lord Jesus - You know HIS name and HE knows YOU! Jesus name was called upon by me during numerous sleep paralysis demonic attacks = HE set me FREE while stuck in this state! ( Altering my mind practicing sorcery taking medications was the door the devils came through to torment me. Repentance brought my deliverance and I know it is real!) I know HIS name IS POWER! Sometimes God delivers me from things and there are things HE continues working on in me but I am patient and look to HIS promise and Hope that IS Christ! ONE GOD! Mankind has one purpose and that's to be reconciled back to our creator our Heavenly Father ABBA! Jesus is the way! You are NOT your OWN person! You were brought and paid for REDEEMED! YOU ARE NOT YOUR OWN! The will of God IS the will of GOD! Now is the time to look towards renewal and be washed from all iniquity! In temptation God always makes provision and gives you a way of escape! Stay alert and remember we don't wrestle with flesh and blood! Ephesians 6:12 KJV
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. ( these things are very real!)


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