Disclosing such a huge part of your identity can be really scary if you can’t predict how a person will react. So, telling a flatmate whether you’ve known them for years or only for a short while can be a really tough decision for an autistic person.
Jack, Jak and Sarah talk about some of the things to consider when disclosing an autism diagnosis, how to bring it up in conversation and the reactions they have had in the past. Not all experiences are negative and not experiences of disclosing are wholly positive either. Telling someone you’re autistic can be as casual or as formal as you like, it is completely based on personal preference and when you think it is most appropriate to share.
Some people like to share being autistic as one of the first things they tell a person whereas others choose to get to know a person and then choose their time to share. The Ambitious about Autism Youth Patrons and Sarah share their experiences and tips.