This message came to me clearly this morning and I was told to share it by the divine. There is much misleading information coming at all of us through the web. The Divine is saying that it is to distract you and set you up for disappointment and failure in your mission by saying that in the next few weeks months you will be transcending to The 5th dimension to the new Earth that is not true yes the energy and vibrations for this being sent to us all now but and this is a big but. Unless you have done your work and your healing you're not going to magically transcend now. They are counting on you who are in pain and suffering and wanting and longing to go home to become disappointed and give up all hope and to become depressed that's distracting you from your purpose.Yes there are some that have done the healing and yes they will be leaving this planet and transending into that fifth dimensional new Earth plane of existence but and there is a but the truth remains. Your mission is to heal and transcend the energies the pain until that happens you're not transcending. Much of what's being directed to you is coming from those who do not really mean you harm they're just operating in their ego States and they're not in their higher Divine State and they are not channeling the Divine messages they are channeling the messages from those who do not want us to succeed in what we came here to do. So my dear loves my brothers and sisters just be cautiou and begin to trust your inner knowing I have put out videos to help guide you on how to do this and to help you with the energies and transmit them. All free to show you how to connect with yourself it takes practice so It is not going to come to you instantaneously. Just like your healings are not coming to you instantaneously because you agreed to come into this plane of existence to work on your issues and stuff in order for your soul to evolve. And doing this that will allow you to begin to vibrate at these higher vibrations that are now available on this Earth plane of existence. You're not going to magically transcend into the 5th dimension unless you are a clear vibrational being. Now many of us who are on the web are pure vibrational beings and we're just offering this up in love and light we are not coming from ego we're coming from our hearts and you need to learn how to discern that and you need to be able to find your way inorder to come from your heart and begin to bibrate in these higher states of being in your life. All right dear loves if I can be of assistance my information is below I am the founder of the Sanctuary Of Divine Love And Light which is my mission to connect and show you to the sanctuary which lies within you. can be found on the web. I developed that website because the Sanctuary it's not a physical place it is within. I have lots of information there to help you. I have Divine Energy images that are infused with Divine Reiki Energy to help heal you and to help anchor in the energy that is here for you. They're not going to magically heal you. You have to do the work. I'm not going to magically Heal you I will guide you to help facilitate your own healing. your ability to heal magically is between you and the Divine in this dependent on your allowing and trusting in the process. All right loves much love and many blessings to you in a Namasté Al-ḥamdu lil-lāh, Hallelujah, God bless, AHO, Mahalo