
May 14: injured snail

May 14: injured snail Initially I thought this was done solely to inflict trauma on me. I now see it's another instance of trauma being used to try and link together other things. Though I don't like that this is done, I understand the intent in this context was supposed to be helpful. The thing about this practice of injuring and harming creatures is it creates suffering, and shouldn't be necessary.

The idea of Gary as a snail in Stephen Hillenburg's "Spongebob Squarepants" links the snail to Gary Brusca. This snail was "cut" with the filament. So this is may be, in part, linking my earlier video about "cat fishing" with the idea of "cutting." The partners that Chris and I were set up, and now probably also my daughter, are set up with us in order to cut us down.

My daughter is a top model citizen, and should have been a straight A student (sabotaged with a single B). She has a full scholarship for any school she wants to attend, and should have been accepted into a top tier engineering school. She has become interested in politics, and wants to run for Congress or Tribal Chairman. She's been repeatedly sabotaged over the past five years by family members (like my mother who encourages her to aim low), teachers (as I have been sabotaged by teachers over the years), and probably through frequency-based technology. She's also dealt with traumatic deaths in her family over the past five years, including her cousin Stormy who was like a sister to her, and her uncle Timmy who's death was particularly violent.

I show the filament here:

MKULTRA,trauma-based mind control,

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