
Self-Driving Cures | Steve Papermaster | TEDxUTAustin

Self-Driving Cures | Steve Papermaster | TEDxUTAustin We have seen some critical health advancements in the last hundred years. We’ve made great headway in diagnostic testing and continue to study and develop innovative therapeutics. But overall, this part of your life hasn’t changed much. You still become ill, sit in a fluorescent waiting room to see a doctor and take a one-size-fits-all drug in hopes that its benefits will outweigh its side effects. In other industries, we’ve managed to go from the “inconceivable” to the “inconceivable not to have” in short spans of time. But, what about health? Steve pushes us to imagine what an inconceivable future of health looks like.

Thanking Driss Elmeloud (@iamdriss) for the opening gears animation reel. Steve Papermaster has submerged into the field of entrepreneurship by co-founding and co-chairing Joint U.S.-China Collaboration on Clean Energy (JUCCCE), a Shanghai-based NGO and non-profit organization pushing for efficient use of technology and energy in China, co-founding TechNet Texas, and co-authoring the book Smart Life. These, along with many other accomplishments, have inevitably granted him the Ernst & Young “Entrepreneur of the Year”.

Steve has also served our nation by directly advising former U.S. President George W. Bush for two terms in the White House, where he was also appointed to and co-chaired the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST). Currently, his revolutionary measures include presiding as chief executive officer and chairman of Nano, a company dedicated to accelerating the development and delivery of cures for illnesses through technology. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

TEDxTalks,English,Health,Environment,Medical research,Medicine,Technology,

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