
Super Empath: CIA is connected to Freemasonry, Human trafficking and Gangstalking

Super Empath: CIA is connected to Freemasonry, Human trafficking and Gangstalking - K.ASH EXPLAINS THE PYRAMID
Last night I had a dream and in the dream I was given a message that the CIA is involved in human trafficking. I decided to look it up today and sure enough there are links of the CIA to human trafficking, drug trafficking, even children trafficking. This whole system is a total disaster. Anyone who is a truth speaker or a whistleblower-- and not a puppet that can be controlled is systematically harassed and stalked by ORGANIZED COMMUNITY WATCH GROUPS. The police (heavily involved in freemasonry) oversee these watch groups. This insidious group of people has infiltrated every group and way of life by promising them things that at the end WILL NOT DELIVER!
How does Kash stay so positive? Because I have God on my side and although I am not perfect Jesus walks with me through it all.

Book link: Escaping Possession by Kristen Ashley via @amazon


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