
LA Marzulli The Great Alien Deception, They Are Defying Physics

LA Marzulli The Great Alien Deception, They Are Defying Physics LA Marzulli explains how the UFO beings of today belong to the same class of manifestation as the hidden entities that were described in centuries past.” If we are intellectually honest we must ask ourselves how these entities, wherever they are from, are able to manipulate space, time, matter and energy in ways that defy our physics.

Are these intruders from Zeta Riticullii or are they inter-dimensional beings who have a proclivity to deceive, hence the title of Vallee's book: Messengers of Deception. Why do they livestock and then drop the carcass in a farmer’s field, where he is sure to see it? What are their true intentions? Do ancient prophecies found in the Dead Sea Scrolls discuss this?


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