
NYSED Regents Propose New "Substantial Equivalency" regulations

NYSED Regents Propose New NYSED proposed new regulations based on the law. One regents member wanted to derail it.

For more than a century, New York State law mandated private schools to provide instruction that is "at least substantially equivalent" to that of public schools.

But for at least five decades, many ultra-Orthodox Yeshivas failed to even come close. Most Hasidic boys, for instance, only receive 90 minutes of secular instruction, only in English and math, only 4 days a week, and only in some of the elementary and middle school grades. Most Hasidic boys' high schools offer zero secular education even in English, math, science, and social studies.

The state originally released new "guidelines" based on existing law and regulations, but the Yeshivas, along with other private school groups, sued and struck it down on a technicality. So the state moved to pass them as regulations.

Yeshivas,Hasidic,NYSED,Regents,Betty Rosa,Roger Tilles,Mark Lauria,Education,

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