Abstract. Content-Security-Policy is a well-established technology that is able to catch Cross-Site-Scripting attacks in modern browsers. However, regardless of the benefits, usage in mass-distributed web-apps like WordPress or Joomla is still close to be non-existant. In this talk, we will talk about the concepts of CSP, the huge challenges that web app developers face during the implementation and potential workarounds to get CSP out of the door.
Biography. Born and living in Cologne, Germany, David got in touch with web development during school in 2002. After a few years working with plain HTML sites, he started to develop his own CMS in 2004 and switched to Mambo shortly after. He quickly became an active member of the German community and met them in person for the first time during JoomlaDay Germany 2006. After school, he started his business as a freelance webdeveloper and quickly got more involved in the community by giving support in the forums, co-organizing the German JoomlaDay and the J&Beyond conference, starting a Joomla Usergroup in his home town, developing own extensions and joining the board of the German Joomla association "J&Beyond e.V.". In 2012, he joined the Bug Squad and started contributing to the CMS code. In late 2012, he co-founded the CMS-Garden project, which is cooperation of 12 opensource CMS. In the CMS-Garden, volunteers from all participating systems combine their forces to improve their marketing and reach new potential users.