
When you are seeking change in your life

When you are seeking change in your life We are seeking answers. Answers to life.. answers to love.., answers. We want guidance, we want help, we want someone to give us the rule book to it all, but there isn’t one. There is no answer that will completely solve and shut down the problem(s) you currently have or will face in the future. There is no single answer to finding love or maintaining a healthy relationship. It’s all a work in progress. It all takes time and with that comes experience and knowledge.

If you’re trying to find answers to some of the biggest obstacles you have ever been faced with—stop. You won’t find it. And don’t try to Google it. Everything in our lives is a work in progress.

I want you to now clear your mind and just take a moment to think about all that it is that you are longing to have or aching to repair. Are you wanting to upgrade your living standards? Maybe you hate the career you have chosen but aren’t sure what to do or how to change it. Or, perhaps you are content with your lifestyle and career but struggle with anxiety or depression and are ready to combat it so you can break free from the mental barrier that restricts you from doing the things you really enjoy. Maybe it’s all three or maybe you have allowed society to dictate how you feel about your physical appearance causing you to become dissatisfied with yourself? What is it?

Take a few seconds now to write down what you want out of life and the areas that need improvement. And it’s okay if your list is rather long…mine is.

I truly believe that the more areas of improvement we have or the constant upgrades we are seeking in life are only going to make us better people. The key to it all, however, is to be able to appreciate and enjoy your current circumstances for the time being as you head down this path to progressing. The fact is, tomorrow is never promised which means you don’t want to waste your life always looking to do better and not enjoying the blessings you have already been given. Everyone has blessings in their life right now, even if you feel as though you are the least fortunate person in the world. I guarantee there is something I can find that you have to be grateful for. You need to recognize this now while you work toward growing into the person you always wanted to be.

Now that you have identified a few areas you would like to improve or even completely change (i.e. perhaps you are looking to tone up a bit or get into better shape, maybe you want to increase your knowledge on a specific topic or your level of skill in a particular industry, or you are looking to upgrade your living circumstances and your mental outlook on life, etc.) I want you to put in your mind that everything takes time, work, and effort, and if you want it bad enough, you will need to prepare yourself to fight for it. While most hope that what they are longing for the most will just fall into their lap or that their transition into the person they want to be will happen overnight, it doesn’t quite work like that. It could take days, months, or even years, but you cannot get discouraged.

You must instill within yourself the courage and dedication you will need to get there, and you must be determined. Now, if you are ready to progress in life, and I mean seriously ready as you have grown tired of hearing yourself say over and over again how you are going to work toward your dreams/goals/desires, and you want someone to come along with you on this journey, I encourage you to subscribe to my channel and bookmark my blog so that you can keep up with me and the tips, experiences, knowledge, etc. I have to offer. My life isn’t perfect and there are plenty of areas I am looking to improve. And I think together, we can work toward accomplishing the goals we have both set out to complete.

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