Soon you’ll enjoy the most delicious sexual pleasures! There is nothing wrong with sex. Only one’s own tastes and erotic fantasies can limit your sex experiment activities.
Moreover, it’s shown that some sex positions recommended by the Kama Sutra favor the conception.
Undoubtedly among the best advantages, we have: Many women think they are frigid. Actually, they could enjoy sex like mad. Women need to simply learn to know their body better and to make the most of sexual companion’s penis, tongue, and hands. The men’s erection problems are often due to the monotony of sexual intercourse. Or to the excessive passivity of the sexual partner.
Whether the fault lies in our self-doubt, education or religion, inhibitions prevent us from getting maximum sexual pleasure. Get rid of these mind blocks! The most popular sex therapists advise you to read the Kama Sutra and discover the top pleasure that sex positions offer. You can start to experiment by yourself with hand or together with your partner. Good knowledge of one’s own erogenous points and those of one’s partner greatly increases mutual sexual pleasure. Self-erotic and mutual masturbation help us to know each other better and to enjoy more with sexual rapport. After that, I’ll be ready to try all Kama Sutra sex positions.
After having meta-analyzed several testimonials about sexual pleasure, it appears evident: all following sex positions are the most exciting and satisfying to give the place to the partner and to fully enjoy sexual pleasure.
For your complete happiness and that of your partner, you don’t have to choose one or two of them. It doesn’t exist a top position than the other. You have to try them all!
Basic to give the right pleasure, it is a comfortable position and a well know of partner’s spot stimulation.
Never forget, you aren’t a lollipop dog.
Exert a slight, but constant pressure on the “Mons Veneris” (or Mons Pubis), the fatty layer that covers the female pubic bone. The pressure stimulates the clitoris to 360 degrees, easily causing the orgasm of the woman.
If you’re lucky, you could she makes her squirt and you’ll drink her sweet vaginal juice.
You can surprise him and get between his legs. That way, by taking his penis into your mouth, you put him in a position of submission with which all men enjoy. This is called the “whisper” position. Or get on your knees and get in the “sex slave” position, playing reversing roles. You don’t need to be shy. You could also put on all fours on top of him. Keeping your legs wide, to offer him your sex while with the greed you taste his dick. In this way, you’ll enjoy the “circle” or the “book”, two of the sex positions described in the Kama Sutra book.
If it’s too big and you can’t catch it in your mouth, lick it thoroughly, as if it oozes your lifeblood.
You could begin to taste the cum with the tip of your tongue as it slips near your lips. You might start to like it. Careful with your teeth! Some lightweight nibble may please. But normally genitals aren’t the best place to experience the border between pain and pleasure. Even if the world is diverse and some people might like it, is better to be sure of partner desires, before to give pain.
But also men, who for once do less work and just enjoy. This until the pleasure becomes something irresistible and begins to push. Faster and faster, trying to regain control. Into a crazy ecstasy to undergo an orgasm caused by the partner.
Manage the depth of penetration, enjoy skin contact. Make him mad and take all the pleasure that you can enjoy. If you want to dare, strangle him slightly with your hands while he is coming. His pleasure will be uncontrollable! You might like it too. Be careful to let him breathe and leave him right after the orgasm.
It is enough that the submissive person turns during coitus towards the partner, arching the back and twisting the torso backward.
This type of penetration may occur in standing position, in front of a wall, on the edge of the bed.
Take your partner from behind. Bend her/his knees so surround your waist with the partner’s feet. Push your penis fully into the favorite hole, you’ll see with pleasure how well and deep it gets!
Don’t stay curious. You are ready. Get ready to give and receive please as never in your life. can appear a very complete sexual...