President Donald Trump's homeland security chief got a grilling during a congressional hearing into the Trump administration's former 'zero tolerance' policy that created scores of family separations at the US southern border. 'We are the greatest country in the world,' Chairman Elijah Cummings of the House Oversight Committee told Acting Homeland Security Secretary Kevin McAleenan. 'We are the ones that can can go anywhere in the world and save people, makes sure that they have diapers, make sure that they have tooth brushes, make sure that they're not laying around defecating in some silver paper,' he told Cummings with some anger. The panel was looking into reports that unaccompanied children, many of whom were separated from their families, are being held in overcrowded, filthy conditions Subscribe to Guardian News on YouTube ►
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us immigration,us border,us border immigration,donald trump,trump news,family separation,elijah cummings,us congress,Kevin McAleenan,Acting homeland security secretary Kevin McAleenan,homeland security,us homeland security,immigration,trump wall,ice,border wall,2019,kids in cages,border camps,trump immigration,trump migrants,migrant crisis,aoc,alexandria ocasio-cortez,us,gdnpfpnewsus,politics,gdnpfpnewspolitics,world,gdnpfpnewsworld,