
Fix These Health Problems By Sleeping In These Positions

Fix These Health Problems By Sleeping In These Positions Certain sleep positions can help your health problems. There are some sleeping positions that can be more beneficial than others. Sleeping positions can have an impact on a number of different aspects of health. Things like blood pressure, sinus infections, and more can all be affected by how you are sleeping.

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10. Heartburn. For those suffering from heartburn, falling asleep isn’t easy. Heartburn can keep you up at night and even have you tossing and turning, resulting in a poor quality of sleep. The wrong sleeping position can result in acid slipping into the esophagus, which can be attributed to indigestion and insomnia. Heartburn can cause discomfort and has also even been identified as a risk factor for certain sleep disorders like sleep apnea.

9. Neck pain. How you are sleeping at night could be part of the problem when it comes to neck pain. It’s important to have a proper pillow that conforms to the shape of the neck, but there are also ways to sleep that can minimize risk.

8. Back pain. Pain in any area of the back can make getting a good night sleep a challenge, but the right sleeping position can help alleviate the discomfort. According to Medical News Today, if you sleep on your back, you can relieve pain by putting a pillow underneath your knees to help your spine. If you sleep on your stomach, place a pillow under your lower abdomen for the same effect. If you sleep on your side, place a pillow between your knees and raise your legs up towards your chest.

7. Shoulder pain. Pain in the shoulders is a common problem and can be very disruptive when trying to fall asleep. Sleeping on the side that doesn’t cause you pain might seem like the natural choice, but there’s more you can do. Try hugging a pillow to alleviate pain or if you sleep on your back, place a small pillow underneath the injured shoulder.

6. Headaches. Bad sleeping positions can be a frequent cause of headaches, mainly due to people twisting their necks while sleeping. The best sleeping position to avoid headaches is to sleep either on your back or on your side but with enough pillows around your head that it doesn’t move throughout the night.

5. Digestion Issues. Sleep can easily be interrupted when plagued by digestion issues, but sleeping on the left side can help you get some shut-eye, says Medical News Today. Sleeping on the left side is effective for those suffering from digestive issues because the stomach is positioned on the left side. This allows gravity to boost the digestive process so you can sleep soundly.

4. Sinus issues. Sleeping in the wrong position while battling sinus issues can result in your nasal passage clogging up and disrupting your slumber.

For a better sleep, make sure to prop up your head. It’s important to elevate your head to a position where it’s above your heart so the blood flow to the nose is decreased. According to Everyday Health, sleeping flat on your back allows for mucus buildup in your sinuses. This can clog your nasal passages and disrupt the quality of your slepe.

3. PMS Pain. PMS discomfort can keep you up when you’re trying to get a good night sleep, however, the fetal position can help reduce stomach cramping. Dr Lisa Lindley, MD, states that sleeping in the fetal position helps to take the pressure off of your abdominal muscles, allowing the skeletal muscles which are around a woman's abdomen to relax. Sleeping in the fetal position can also help prevent leakage.

2 High Blood Pressure. According to a report by the Ehime University School of Medicine, sleeping positions can affect blood pressure, which makes it important to practice the right one.

If you have high blood pressure, try sleeping on the left side. To lower your blood pressure, sleeping face down can be naturally effective as well. Sleep specialist Christopher Winter states that the best position to sleep for those who have high blood pressure is on the left side. This is because sleeping on the left side can help relieve pressure that is put on blood vessels that pump blood to the heart. These blood vessels are located on the right side of a person's body and can become compressed when sleeping on the right side. This slows down circulation.

1. Hip Pain. Discomfort in the hip area can make it hard to find a comfortable position to doze off in. It’s important to find a position that reduces any stress on the hips or back, which is why it’s recommended to avoid sleeping face down.

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Bestie,sleep position,Sinus,Pain,sleeping,back pain,best sleeping position,neck pain,sleeping position,best way to sleep,stiff neck,low back pain,sleeping on stomach,best position to sleep,good sleep,shoulder pain,poor posture,pillow,sleeping on your stomach,intercostal neuritis,sleeping positions,heartburn,neck pain relief,back pain relief,headache,digestion issues,high blood pressure,hip pain,best sleeping positions,sleeping health,

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