
How do people most often waste the prime of their life 20- 30’s?

How do people most often waste the prime of their life 20- 30’s? How do people most often waste the prime of their life 20- 30’s?

Who should watch this video?

• High achievers who want to spend more time to exercising, reading or with their family

• Procrastinators everywhere

• People who want to reach their full potential

How do people most often waste the prime of their life 20- 30’s?

1. Mistaking University for real life. One of the most common ones. A lot of young people waste years of life, effort and health in order to obtain college titles of dubious usefulness. You will realize that almost nobody looks at your grades when applying for a job. Build networks, work at passion projects and acquire practical skills and job experience instead.

2. Social media drama. Most social media is the equivalent of tobacco for your mental health. Relax, take a deep breath, and turn off your smartphone notifications. You will realize that in the real world nobody cares as much for your social gaffes. Social media distorts perception, and rather than helping, it often obfuscates communication.

3. Playing it safe when it comes to love. You're damn young. You have more than enough time ahead of you so you can try and fail at many relationships. It is extremely unlikely that your first love is the love of your life. Experiment, compare, decide, and allow yourself to fail and have fun. You have youth and beauty in spades, and that means a huge margin of error.

4. Trying to please your parents. Your old folks are probably great guys, but you're starting to become an adult, and that means that at some point you will need to accept that you're your main character of your own life. It is perfectly fine to follow your own path, and to acknowledge that your parents not always know best.

5. Becoming obsessed about doing things perfectly. Spoiler alert: Nobody cares, nobody is paying as much attention as you think they are. The world of adults is, if anything, indifferent, and that's extremely liberating.

6. Trying to change the world. The only part of the world that you can fully control is your own person. That's a great point to start with. Don't get me wrong, It is great to be socially conscious, but one has to understand that obsessing over things that you have no control or whatsoever (like electoral outcomes) is extremely unhealthy.

7. Doing work in exchange for "visibility" and "experience". That's a big fat NOPE for me. The great opportunity of your life won't present thanks to "exposure", no matter how much of a passion project it is whatever you're working at. You are working at something. Make it count, and remember: Money begets more money. By accepting not getting paid, you're sending a very wrong message about the value of your work and passion.

8. Holding onto toxic relationships due to veterancy. "But we've been friends since forever". Well, life's too short to bear anyone's bullshit, even if you think of yourself as immortal at your 20s. And keep in mind that there's always more new, better people to meet. People will come and go into your life, like hosts in a hotel. Accept the flow of life, and roll with it instead.



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