

QUAN YIN UNIVERSAL MOTHER -UNIVERSAL FATHER FOOD FOR THOUGHT From my Diary My Battle with the Deep State Memories 1981

Deep State Chips my Brother In law turn him into An Assassin

I know my guardian Angel was protecting me and a good thing I could hear her. My Husbands older brother I did not care for something was off he would be sitting at church with his mouth hanging open and staring off into space.
He came to my parents’ Home one day and rang the doorbell. We had a little window we can see out, yet no one could see in. I looked out saw him and something told me not to open the door nor let him know I was home. The next day I had taken my kids to see.
My husband’s mother as she was a sweet lady yet strange too. I had gone into the bedroom was cleaning up for my mother in law. There was a shot gun in the corner I moved it and cleaned and there was a knock at the door. It was the Police. They were looking for my Brother in law I advised them he usually was up the street at the Dunkin Doughnuts having coffee about that time of day.
The Police told me he was wanted for questioning in a Shooting that had occurred at my Husbands ex-wife’s home. Ex-wife New Husband had been shot. Multiple times The Events are very troubling. When the police arrived, at the Doughnut shop they found my brother in law there having cup of coffee they read him his rights and he told the arresting officer was a good thing they caught him as he was going back over and finish the job, said that his ex sister in law was a witch and she practice voodoo and that God had sent him on a mission to destroy her. We found out later it was premeditated He had first gone to a friend that had a machine gun and ask if he could borrow it that he had a pistol and a box of Bullets, He would have to reload to make sure he killed everybody.
He was going to kill his ex-wife and her 8 children and burn her house down. He had a list of people he planned to kill all women and Children. I was on that list and my two sons and his only Sister too.
When he came the day before he had planned to Kill me and my children. He had been activated the crystals say I was the real target that is really blowing my mind.
My brother in law had been chipped with a Kill switch. It is temperature sensitive. And dissolves after death. It is found attached to the spine near the brain stem and is triggered by anger or remote triggered. He went to the Library and found out where the ex-sister in-law lived and walked into the home thru the garage they had left the garage up and were in there cooking hamburgers for the kids there were 3 girls age 3, 6 and 7. Her husband was doing the cooking he made small talk and then pulled out the gun and her husband jumped in the way took 3 bullets 3 went into the wall. J. feel down on her husband started praying and Edward was still pulling the trigger.
He left and went straight to the doughnut shop. I see very well now he was implanted with a kill switch and was totally taken over. Butch would die from his wounds 45 minutes after arriving at the hospital. Edward He would later confess to another murder of a friend he killed with the shotgun a man found down at the lake with his face shot off. He killed him because he was mad at him for being the one that introduced him to his now ex-wife. He hated Females and wanted to kill all the ones he knew. The woman at the church rejected him because he was strange. I wanted away from that family. Shall we say Mind Control Implants.
The Dark Ones were looking for an opening. Little did I Know I was being hunted. They were sending the assassins and they were just getting warmed up.


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