
The court reveals Fina and Leyna's DNA test result | Sino Ang Maysala Recap

The court reveals Fina and Leyna's DNA test result | Sino Ang Maysala Recap Sino Ang Maysala: Week 12 Recap - Part 1
Sino Ang Maysala: July 15, 16, and 17 Episode

Atty. Pilapil (Karla Pambid) presents to the court pieces of evidence proving that Fina (Jodi Sta. Maria) was led to believe that Christi (Precious Miel Espinosa) was her long-lost daughter. Mario (Yutaka Yamakawa) takes the witness stand and admits who hired him to trick Fina. With this new development, Atty. Pilapil asks the court to consider another DNA test between Fina and Leyna (Iyannah Joyce Sumalpong). Fina later on makes a tearful appeal to the judge (Sandy Aloba).

Juris (Bela Padilla) remains determined to win her case against Fina (Jodi Sta. Maria) despite failing to stop the court's approval of another DNA test on Leyna (Iyannah Joyce Sumalpong). Gaylord (Sandino Martin) urges Juris to let Fina have Leyna in hopes of keeping their group's crimes in the dark. Matilda (Ayen Munji-Laurel), on the other hand, tries to help Juris by using her influence on Hon. Molina (Sandy Aloba).

Juris (Bela Padilla) rushes Leyna (Iyannah Joyce Sumalpong) to a hospital to delay the new DNA test on her adopted daughter. Atty. Pilapil (Karla Pambid) then steps in to thwart Juris’ obvious tactic. Later, Hon. Molina (Sandy Aloba) finalizes her decision on Fina's (Jodi Sta. Maria) conviction.

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Recap Cast:
Bela Padilla (Juris) / Tony Labrusca (Drei) / Jodi Sta. Maria (Fina) / Ayen Munji-Laurel (Matilda) / Ketchup Eusebio (Armand, Bogs) / Sandino Martin (Gaylord) / Ivana Alawi (Lolita) / Alvin Anson (Yandro) / Milo Elmido Jr. (Emma) / Zar Donato (Waldo) / Iyannah Joyce Sumalpong (Joy, Leyna) / Leo Rialp (Titong) / Marnie Lapus (Atty. Cuadra) / Karla Pambid (Atty. Greta Pilapil) / Sandy Aloba (Hon. Joselita Molina)


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