When you listen to this calm meditation music, relax, breath naturally and notice how you feel. You will begin to feel a peaceful or blissful energy vibrating in or around your body. This is the Shakti. Shakti is the energy of spiritual enlightenment, of Infinite Goodness.
When you sit with a fully enlightened teacher, you feel peaceful and blissful. Meditation happens automatically.
This ambient music works in the same way. When you play this meditation music, you receive this same Shakti transmission. It makes you feel blissful and peaceful. Just by resting your attention in this bliss, meditation happens automatically.
This is excellent sleep meditation music as well. It is the best music to meditate to if you are on the path to spiritual awakening/enlightenment because it transmits Shakti.
You can read more about this Shakti Music here
And here are other Meditation Music albums that transmit Shakti you can check out:
Radiance Shakti CDs:
Pure Shakti Meditation CDs:
Shakti Silence:
Infinite Sky Shakti Meditation Music:
The Calling Shakti CDs:
Ambient Meditation Music for Inner Peace
Visit me on facebook here
If you would like to join my free Online Shakti Meditations
Thanks for watching!
Much love,
Kip Mazuy
Ambient Music Artists
#ambientmusic #spacemusic #meditationmusic