
Touhou: Concealed the Conclusion - Stage 2b (Commentary & Translation)

Touhou: Concealed the Conclusion - Stage 2b (Commentary & Translation) Inspiration, hallucination, strange medicines...
What does the eye reflect, and what does it not?
...Does this mansion even exist in the first place?

At this point you should be near or at full power so try and get as many [点] as you can. However understand you are quite slow so expect not to get them all.

Reisen is a bit disorienting to fight, but isn't she always. After you understand the trick to fighting her you'll be fine.

Eirin is...well again surprisingly easy. Aside from her first Spell Card that can trap you if you're not careful the rest are painfully easy. However unlike Kaguya who was easy all the way around it seems like Eirin put all her stock into her Last Word. That thing is stressful as all hell requiring you to focus in all directions around you.

Difficulty - Normal
Mode: Marisa B - Light Sign, Wide Attack Type
Stage 2 - That Which Is Unseen
BGM - Cinderella Cage ~ Kagome-Kagome
Mid-Boss - Lunatic Moon Rabbit: Reisen Udongein Inaba
Boss - Brain of the Moon: Eirin Yagokoro
BGM - Voyager 1969

Spell Cards

0:43 - Cool Down
0:57 - Spread Sign "Imperial Capital of the Hazy Moon (Sheltered Lunabase)"

2:50 - Cool Down
3:05 - Life Sign "Pulse of Life"
3:30 - Cool Down
3:44 - Heaven Sign "Sun-Staring Technique"
4:01 - Secret Apparatus "Clock of Undying Eternal Sleep"

4:20 - Life Manipulation "Nanomachine Wave"

Translation's courtesy of the Touhou wiki

You can download the game here


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