princess polly website:
items mentioned:
4, rust)
size, black)
4, green)
4, black)
4, grey)
4, white)
4, white)
4, blush)
4, denim)
size, pink)
4, beige)
4, blue)
4, beige)
4, mint)
size, black)
hey guys!
this is my second back to school clothing haul! today i show a bunch of new items from princess polly that i will be wearing to my freshman year of college! enjoy!
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what i got for school, back to school outfits, what i wore to school, i wore outfits to school, school supplies, back to school, blog, back to school supplies haul, school shopping, high school, easy high school makeup, back to school series, ootw for school, high school look, hair makeup and outfit for school, morning routine high school, what’s in my backpack, comfy clothes for school, back to school clothing, back to school clothing haul, college outfits, try on haul, bts clothing haul