
Best Of Ravel - Noble and sentimental waltzes Molto vivo

Best Of Ravel - Noble and sentimental waltzes Molto vivo Joseph Maurice Ravel (/rəˈvɛl/; French: [ʒozɛf mɔʁis ʁavɛl]; 7 March 1875 – 28 December 1937) was a French composer, pianist and conductor. He is often associated with impressionism along with his elder contemporary Claude Debussy, although both composers rejected the term. In the 1920s and 1930s Ravel was internationally regarded as France's greatest living composer.

Born to a music-loving family, Ravel attended France's premier music college, the Paris Conservatoire; he was not well regarded by its conservative establishment, whose biased treatment of him caused a scandal. After leaving the conservatoire, Ravel found his own way as a composer, developing a style of great clarity, incorporating elements of baroque, neoclassicism and, in his later works, jazz. He liked to experiment with musical form, as in his best-known work, Boléro (1928), in which repetition takes the place of development. He made some orchestral arrangements of other composers' music, of which his 1922 version of Mussorgsky's Pictures at an Exhibition is the best known.

A slow and painstaking worker, Ravel composed fewer pieces than many of his contemporaries. Among his works to enter the repertoire are pieces for piano, chamber music, two piano concertos, ballet music, two operas and eight song cycles; he wrote no symphonies or church music. Many of his works exist in two versions: first, a piano score and later an orchestration. Some of his piano music, such as Gaspard de la nuit (1908), is exceptionally difficult to play, and his complex orchestral works such as Daphnis et Chloé (1912) require skilful balance in performance.

Ravel was among the first composers to recognise the potential of recording to bring their music to a wider public. From the 1920s, despite limited technique as a pianist or conductor, he took part in recordings of several of his works; others were made under his supervision.
جوزيف موريس ريفل (وُلِدَ في السابع من مارس 1875 – وتوفى في الثامن عشر من ديسمبر 1937) مؤلف موسيقي فرنسي اشتهر بألحانه، والحبكة الآلاتية والأوركسترية وآثارها التي تمتعت بها أعماله. ودخلت الكثير من أعمالهِ الخاصة مثل الـبيانو، وموسيقى الحجرة، والموسيقى الغنائية والأوركسترا ضمن مراجع معايير الموسيقى.

وتتطلب مؤلفات البيانو التي أبدعها ريفل، مثل جو دو (Jeux d'eau) وميروارز (Miroirs) ولو تومبو دو كوبرين (Le tombeau de Couperin) وجاسبارد دو لا نوي(Gaspard de la nuit) براعة من المؤدِ و الأوركسترا بما في ذلك أوركسترا دافينز إي كولي (Daphnis et Chloé) إلى جانب مؤلفته لوحة فنية في المعرض التي نظمها للموسيقار الروسي موديست موسورسكي، مستخدمًا أصوات و تلحينات موسيقية عدة.

وربما قد ترجع شهرة ريفل لعمل الأوركسترا بوليرو (Boléro) والذي ألّفه في عام 1928، والذي اعتبره ريفل تافهًا ووصفه بأنه "عمل أوركستري دون موسيقى".

ووفقًا لـجمعية الملحنين والمؤلفين وناشري الموسيقى في كندا (SACEM) فإن الإرث الذي استقته عوائد الملكية الفكرية من أعمال ريفل هو الأكثر من بين مؤلفي الموسيقى الفرنسيين. وتُعد أعمال ريفل ملكية عامة استنادًا لقوانين معظم البلاد (بما فيها كل الدول الأعضاء في منظمة التجارة العالمية) وذلك منذ الأول من يناير 2008. #Classical

Bolero,Ravel,#Classical,Piano,sleep,Classical Music,#Ravel,study,#Music,Relaxing,

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