All music is played for inspirational purposes only. Please contact licensed vendor to purchase songs. In today’s discourse, H.H. Bhagwan begins with the disconnection from reality as the cause of our ‘modern day’ or ‘new’ dukkha (suffering). He says we have lost the connection to reality, and to remedy the loneliness and disconnection in today’s times, many people utilize the internet to ‘connect’ with others to thereby reduce their suffering. However, connection with ‘pseudo-reality’ (maya) does not satisfy the deeper and real desire, which is to be more connected with a higher purpose and reality (God). A powerful exchange of questions and answers about forgiveness ensues and many aspects of how and why we must practice this form of spiritual hygiene are explored. Hopefully, this interactive exchange will reduce any ignorance about the matter and help us to overcome any reluctance of our own to forgive one another. Another interesting topic discusses the click-clack default tendency of the mind to think constantly about the past or future. This habit keeps us from being ‘aware’ in the present (reality), and this common back & forth (past/future) pattern is profoundly gone into as well.