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How Quickly Does Fat Get Stored (1 hour, 2 hours, 2 days?)
Fat Gain Studies
Study #1 - Diabetes Care
Twenty-nine men were fed 40% more than their baseline requirement for 8 weeks (about 1200 extra calories)
Subjects gained ~7.6kg (55% fat) and insulin sensitivity decreased 18% after overfeeding - IHL increased 46% from 1.5% to 2.2%; however, IMCL did not change.
So they gained 9 pounds of fat, which works out to 1.1 pounds per week or 0.16 pounds per day
Study #2 - American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
The purpose of this study was to determine whether and by what mechanism excess dietary fat leads to greater fat accumulation than does excess dietary carbohydrate
Researchers overfed isoenergetic amounts (50% above energy requirements) of fat and carbohydrate (for 14 days each) to 9 lean and seven obese men (about 1,400 extra calories per day)
A whole-room calorimeter was used to measure energy expenditure and nutrient oxidation on days 0, 1, 7, and 14 of each overfeeding period
From energy and nutrient balances (intake-expenditure) they estimated the amount and composition of energy stored
Carbohydrate overfeeding produced progressive increases in carbohydrate oxidation and total energy expenditure resulting in 75-85% of excess energy being stored
Alternatively, fat overfeeding had minimal effects on fat oxidation and total energy expenditure, leading to storage of 90-95% of excess energy
Excess dietary fat leads to greater fat accumulation than does excess dietary carbohydrate, although the difference was greatest early in the overfeeding period
After two weeks they gained 3 pounds of fat - that works out to 1.5 pounds of fat per week or 0.2 pounds per day
Additional - Why You Don’t Get Immediately Fat After Binging
You burn more calories to digest more food - when you eat a meal, your body has to expend energy to digest and process the food. This is known as the thermic effect of food (TEF).
Research shows that it accounts for approximately 10% of total daily energy expenditure. That is, about one in ten calories is spent simply digesting your meals:
Protein has the highest TEF of around 30%
Carbohydrate has a TEF of 5 to 10%
Fat has a TEF of 0 to 3%
Additional Resources
1) Effect of 8 Weeks of Overfeeding on Ectopic Fat Deposition and Insulin Sensitivity: Testing the 'Adipose Tissue Expandability? Hypothesis. (n.d.). Retrieved from
2) Horton TJ , et al. (n.d.). Fat and carbohydrate overfeeding in humans: different effects on energy storage. - PubMed - NCBI. Retrieved from