Well, honestly?
It wan't always that way.
I never liked play the piano when I was younger. My parents forced me because my odler brother wanted to try. I was always the "2 in the price of 1" guy, always forced to do whatever my older brother wanted.
So quite naturally, I developed both a rebellious soul and a distain for playing piano. In fact, I was trying actively to sabotage my parents by not trying at all. After thousands of German marks paid, my parents gave up on my training and my female passionate teacher, Aphrodite, decided that me and Bach were not going very well together.
But things have changed since then.
Besides my new shiny bald head, I 've changed my likes on music and on PLAYIN' MUSIC.
But contrast to my childhood, now I have no time!! Why???
Because the invisible monster - that chases all young adults from 25 - 40 called CAREER chases me and I "have" to deliver.
Nevertheless, once in a while, whenever visiting old pap and mom, playing the piano is a great relief. It softens my heart, helps with anxiety/depression and thus helps my body to heal.
Even if I don't know what I am doing and I am an amateur.
If you know how to play the piano, go forth and play the Beethovens. God be with ya, Allah be on your side. Buddha bless you.
But if you are an amateur, I find that imrpovisation of melodies can be the best solution. Play simple things that are not on paper. Just melodies.
Music is the best medicine there is. Just remember though. It can be also the worst toxin. Choose your music wisely...
p.s: Don't mind my family doing chores. I amde the deal so that I play the piano, and they clean the dishes. Seems like an honest deal to me! xD