
people who scramble to explain away detrimental facts bandage up concepts ironically

people who scramble to explain away detrimental facts bandage up concepts ironically you lost me at Gravity, Its misleading to use an Evolution analogy , it is no different as evolution may be called a "fact" for the same reason that gravity can

A theory is something that’s been rigorously tested, which is why popular statements on evolution or gravity being ‘only’ a theory
are ludicrous.

evolution is regarded as a fact in the scientific fields because it is observed in the results &
saying it is not fully accepted in the scientific community, is NOT a misconception, it is a lie

the anti intellectual circle jerk Center for Science and Culture is part of the Discovery Institute , conservative Christian think tank behind the intelligent design movement , creator of the "Teach the Controversy" campaign to defeat scientific materialism" and "to replace [it] with the theistic understanding that nature and human beings are created by God. & the Wedge Document manifesto the goal is to change American culture by shaping public policy to reflect politically conservative fundamentalist evangelical Protestant values & Phillip E. Johnson's wedge metaphor depicts a metal wedge splitting a log.

David Berlinski opposes the scientific consensus on the theory of evolution.

Stephen Meyer advocate of the pseudo scientific principle of intelligent design

David Gelernter opposes liberal academia in American society calling them PORGI's,
post religious globalist intellectuals & saying they took over & indoctrinated students while
Dreaming of a World With No Intellectuals, on the internet?

the full quote =
Couldn't watch the whole clip you lost me at Gravity. I'll just state that Gravity is the word used to describe an object being pulled to earth, its a fact that things are, but the why is a theory and not a fact, we could wake up and realize that the why is different but the fact that things are pulled to earth will remain. Its misleading to use this as an analogy and Evolution is no different. Decades ago it was predicted that as science progressed it would only reinforce the theory of evolution but in fact just the opposite it has happened with more and more gaps being brought to light in the theory, people scramble to bandage up the concept and explain away detrimental facts. I'm blown away that people so subjectively try to protect the theory, I liken it to a religion which oddly enough is made up of secularists, now thats irony.

my work is transformative in nature as a criticism so some usage of the original is required but uses no more of the original than is necessary & this has no negative affect on the market for the original work its self & my work is protected speech as outlined by the 1st amendment to the united states constitution & falls under fair use as outlined in united states copyright laws


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