
Watching the Idaho Administrative Rules: Making Sure the Rule-Makers Don't Cheat!

Watching the Idaho Administrative Rules: Making Sure the Rule-Makers Don't Cheat! Preserving our Liberty begins with our understanding of how our State Government is structured. The laws/statutes are presented as a bill that is voted upon by our elected officials and upon approval becomes a statute. The legislature then delegates the responsibility of carrying out that details of the law through the various departments of the state using the administrative rules.

The administrative rules are written up by each department and then presented back to the legislators for review at the beginning of each session. There are 1000's of rules. (Far too many to be reviewed in great detail prior to their approval.) Often times these rules are voted on and approved in whole, without even being read thoroughly by the elected officials. You can see how that is an EASY way for freedom to be snatched and liberty stolen.

Whose responsibility is it to watch the rule-makers to make sure they are following the rules?
If the elected officials are far too busy to read the thousands of rules and vote on them - then WHOSE responsibility is it to keep the rule-makers accountable? That would be you and me the citizens. Sadly, we have neglected our duties for far too long! However, right now, we have a reprieve!
The last session the Legislature did not automatically approve all the rules. We have the opportunity to make public comment on ANY OF THE RULES!

Grab your reading glasses and start looking through the rules there are 8200+ pages of Idaho Rules and Regulations! We are focusing on the health department since their rules pertain to our concerns that reading starts on page 1900.


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