
Amazon's New Terms of Service | TOS #1: Amazon's Sole Discretion v Sellers and Business Verification

Amazon's New Terms of Service | TOS #1: Amazon's Sole Discretion v Sellers and Business Verification Check out our other videos here
Amazon Seller Suspensions, Plans of Action POA and Amazon Appeals for Business Verification Suspensions have changed under Amazon's New Contract with Sellers often referred to as the Amazon Terms of Service or TOS or Amazon Participation Agreement.

Ashley Dipinto, one of the most winningest paralegals at our firm when it comes to getting suspended Amazon Sellers reinstated with awesome Plans of Action, POAs and Amazon Appeals and CJ Rosenbaum, one of the founding partners of Rosenbaum Famularo, the law firm behind, discuss the very first paragraph in the new contract Amazon is imposing on Amazon Sellers. Many Amazon Sellers refer to the contract as Amazon's Terms of Service or Amazon TOS, the Amazon Terms and Conditions or the Amazon Participation Agreement

The issue for suspended Amazon Sellers in this paragraph is Amazon Seller business verification. Amazon business verification is where Amazon suspends your Sellers' account or one of your Sellers' accounts if you have several, regarding Amazon's inability to verify your information, your credit cards your identification or your utility bills.

We start with the new provision in the business solutions agreement and what Amazon Sellers need to know about in terms of winning plan of actions, POAs and appeals when you have listing suspensions, ASIN suspensions or Amazon Seller Account suspensions.
When it comes to business verification specifically, this new BSA agreement, which replaced Terms of Service, Amazon TOS and the Amazon Participation Agreement says that Amazon can ask for additional information and it lists information Amazon may request.
Amazon's new contract with Sellers is vague and could present problems for Amazon sellers. An example would be not having a utility bill, and we feel this may actually be enforced more by Amazon going forward.
When it comes to business verification issues, it used to be that we could get around the need for utility bill by providing Amazon with reasons why suspended Amazon Sellers don't have a utility bill - shared living space with a spouse or your parents or working out of someplace else that provides lights and electricity.
Fortunately, we are winning these suspensions for suspended Amazon Sellers. But with the language in the new BSA that says "any information" there is concern that Amazon could ask you for things that you don't have. What this means is that we've got to come up with better, creative arguments.

There's more that's vital about the changes to this particular paragraph, starting with the fact that Amazon also states in this new agreement with Sellers that any personal data the Amazon Seller provides will be handled in accordance with Amazon's privacy notice. In other words, this is just another way for Amazon may avoid liability for data breaches. Amazon essentially wipes away any responsibility.
As time has shown, Amazon is an incredible company when it comes to data, but also an incredible company when it comes to covering their own behind. What it comes down to is that suspended Amazon sellers and all Amazon Sellers are going to be asked to give Amazon more and more information.

Amazon is retaining for itself that Amazon can do whatever they want to Amazon Sellers at its sole discretion.
Here's what Amazon Sellers need to know about Amazon trying to retain sole discretion.
We think this will definitely go back to arbitration, which is the end process when the Plan of Action, POAs, Appeals and Bezos Escalations have failed. Specifically, we think that our efforts can deem Amazon's contracts unenforceable, which is probably why they're now insinuating that this needs to be put into play.

Amazon Sellers Lawyer:

Helping Online Sellers Worldwide

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ROSENBAUM FAMULARO, PC: a law firm focused on helping suspended Amazon Sellers with Plan of Action, POA, Amazon Appeals, Bezos Escalations and all intellectual property issues Amazon Sellers face.

CONTACT US: 100% confidentiality by law under the Attorney-Client Privilege.


Phone: 1-877-9-Seller

136 E. Park Avenue Long Beach, NY 11561



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