
Cerebral palsy. Method N.Loskutova Biodynamic Fascial Modulation (BFM)

Cerebral palsy. Method N.Loskutova Biodynamic Fascial Modulation (BFM) Method N.Loskutova - the method was developed in Israel in 1996 and has been used successfully in Israel, Russia and European countries.
Method N.Loskutova - a method of improving, mainly based on work with the connective tissue system oragnizma and aimed at the removal of internal tension (spasticity) in the body, regardless of its causes. By restoring the respiratory breathing as well as micro-and macromovements in the body return to normal motor function fascial-musculo-skeletal system, there is a painless removal of spasticity, myofascial pain, contractures, convulsions, free movement of body tissues - motile (rhythmic content and movement of a body or tissue), which leads eventually to the full restoration of human musculoskeletal system, cranial rhythms are restored.
The method has a profound impact on harmonizing the entire body. The work is carried out as separate systems, and on the whole body as a unified whole. In the process of respiration as the release occurs at the cellular level, reduced elasticity of the muscles and fascia, restored and improved joint mobility, psycho-emotional sphere is unloaded, normal sleep, appetite returns to normal secretion of the glands.
Method N.Loskutova - it's method of healing that has no contraindications, is available to each family.
Field of application methods:
- Diseases associated with respiratory failure
- The consequences of fractures, injuries and accidents
- Violation of motor functions (including cerebral palsy, and some types of paralysis)
- Rehabilitation after a heart attack and stroke
- Chronic fatigue syndrome and depression
- Diseases associated with the violation of Heat Transfer
- Sleep Disorders
- Psychosomatic illness
- Rehabilitation after birth
- Cerebral palsy
- The pains of various etiologies Fundamentals of method N.Loskutova. The basis of the method are the methods of ancient folk medicine.

Method N.Loskutova - soft, with a certain rhythm and depth of the impact of different hands on the body. The main essence of the method is to restore and harmonize the internal rhythms of the breath of life (including at the cellular level), to recover the full amplitude of the free micro-and macromovements.

All disease processes - is an imbalance, and the balance is our health. Any breach in one of the components leads to a general disturbance. If the rhythm disturbance, movement, breathing in a particular organ system of the body remains unchanged for a long time, it leads to chronic diseases. Unlike classic massage, which aims to study a specific problem area (shoulder, knee, etc.), this method has a profound impact on harmonizing the whole body, and the work carried out on whole body and all organs. In the process of harmonization is all the work of breathing and body, restores the elasticity of the fascia and muscles, restores motion and micromotion, improves and restores joint mobility, spasticity and contracture is removed. Restored sleep, appetite, normal stools. The person feels a surge of strength. In other words, improving the quality of life.

The positive dynamics of stably maintained even after completion of rehabilitation. The main law which governs all work with the body - non-violence, no pain, no stiffness and pressure! Listen to the body and help him recover!

Details about the method of N. Loskutova can be viewed on the sites:



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