I came across a lot of YouTube videos from the 40s to the 90s and i thought it would be so much fun to try and copy it! I also went a little more in depth and did some research on the step by step of the makeup and also looked into how they would wear their hair and even dress. I know the final look is not exact but hey I am only doing this for fun and to learn a little more about these decades. I will link all the videos and information i found down below! This was a lot of fun to make and I love love learning things about the past and how the everyday life would be, so if you enjoy this video let me know down below! I enjoyed this so I would love to do this with any other decade, and try to make it look even more real with clothing next time!
Which year were you born???
Thank you a lot for watching!!
Love, Candela.
follow me @candeladevesa
The videos and articles I talked about: