While out hiking and exploring the New Hampshire backwoods I had come across some strange rock piles. Near the top of a small mountain on the west side are a bunch of rock piles no larger than a few feet in length. I brought Some back with me this time for a second opinion and another look.
After walking all over the peak of this small summit and really looking closely at the stones that have bee in place for a long time, we both agree. These strategically places stacks of rocks are deliberate and much older than the colonial American era we were first thinking of. There is also one balancing stone that is really something to see.
These are nowhere any of the old stone walls or colonial farms in the area. So they are not from improvements upon the land, its too rough and far from everything else. A classic Not Thursday full of all the wonder ,curiosity ,exploring, adventure and another history mystery.
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Not Thursday hiking exploring history metal detecting New Hampshire VlOG
We think these are native American indian stone piles