
Why Did God Repeat His Instructions About the Yearly Feasts? [Exodus 34:18-22][Lesson 137][W.T.T.B.]

Why Did God Repeat His Instructions About the Yearly Feasts? [Exodus 34:18-22][Lesson 137][W.T.T.B.] God had already told Moses (and Israel) about the three yearly feasts of Unleavened Bread, Ingathering and Tabernacles. If God had already given these instructions, why did he repeat them in Exodus 34? In Lesson 137 of our study of Exodus we learn the answer to this question.

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This podcast is brought to you by the East End Church of Christ in Toronto, Canada. Each day from Monday through Saturday we publish an approximately 5-7 minute verse by verse study of a Book of the Bible. On Sunday, we publish a question and answer session also about 5-7 minutes in length. All episodes can be found on our website (, on our YouTube Channel ( or on iTunes ("East End Church of Christ" Podcast).

East End Church of Christ,Church of Christ,Walking Through the Bible,WTTB,Book of Exodus,Exodus 34,Why did God repeat his instructions concerning Jewish feasts,Why did God repeat his instructions concerning Hebrew feasts,Feast of Tabernacles,Feast of Pentecost,Feast of Passover,Feast of Unleavened Bread,Feast of Ingathering,Christianity,Religion,

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