
WoW Classic Instance Layering Exploit

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World Of Warcraft takes players into the lands of Warcraft that were created and laid out for us in the original RTS Warcraft games of the 1990's. The specific story that will be unfolded for players in Wow Classic will be that of the RTS game Warcraft 3 The Reign Of Chaos. In World Of Warcraft your objective is to level up your character to 60 all the while meeting tons of people along the way, helping the community thrive through group events, pvp, friendly interactions, etc. The end game of World Of Warcraft is not to raid, it is to have fun. Many gamers have lost sight of this however and in future expansions lots of ease of use features such as instant ques have ruined the core community of world of warcraft. You no longer needed to make friends and meet people in the world, you can now be teleported to the dungeon and play immediately. In theory it sounds great right? But when you do not meet people in the world any longer, you no longer need to make friends with people on the server because of cross server ques. All of a sudden the game got a whole lot lonelier. Thus the cry for WoW Vanilla or Wow Classic was heard from Blizzard for over the last 10 years. Finally Wow Classic is back, no more instant ques, no more cross server dungeons, and best of all the long tedious runs that lead to random encounters, that truly create the World Of Warcraft.

At the start of Wow you will have the choice of choosing to be either an Alliance character, or a Horde character. The Horde is typically depicted as bad guys in the RTS games, but often times it is the cultural differences that make them look this way, they are not inherently evil. (At least in Warcraft 3, I am pretty sure the orcs were super evil in Warcraft 2 and earlier.)

The races you can choose between depends on the faction that you choose to be a part of. The Horde for example allows you to be a Forsaken (Undead Character), a Troll, a Tauren, or an Orc. While the Alliance side of the coin allows you to be a Human, Night Elf, Gnome, or Dwarf. Each one of these races allows you to specialize in the type of character you wish to create.

Humans can play Warriors, Paladins, Rogues, Priests, Mages and Warlocks

Dwarves can play Warriors, Paladins, Rogues, Priests and Hunters

Night Elves can play Warriors, Rogues, Druids, Priests and Hunters

Gnomes can play Warriors, Rogues, Mages and Warlocks

Orcs can play Warriors, Shaman, Hunters, Warlocks and Rogues

Forsaken can play Warriors, Rogues, Priests, Mages and Warlocks

Tauren can play Warriors, Hunters, Druids and Shaman

Trolls can play Warriors, Hunters, Rogues, Shaman, Priests and Mages

Furthermore each race has their own passive abilities that relates only to that race of players. For example, Night Elves have a shadow meld ability that allows them to blend into the environment, no matter what class they are playing as. Each race has about 3-4 passives that are unique to that specific race, but the scope of that is another discussion entirely.

The Warlock is a ranged spell caster that is adept at casting Damage Over Time spells onto its victims. These spells slowly eat away at the health of its opponent. Warlocks can steal the soul of the victims they slay, allowing them to conjure summoned demons and health stones further down the line.

The Mage is a ranged spell caster that blasts his enemies with elemental magic attacks. The mage can quickly dismantle his opponents with a few strong fire balls but at the same token, the swift stroke of an axe on this class can sometimes equate to certain doom.

The Warrior is a class that can duel wield, Swing a giant two handed weapon, or wield a sword and shield. Each option is totally viable depending on what it is that you want to achieve. The warrior is typically used in raids to tank the strongest and toughest bosses in the game, as well as being some of the fiercest foes in battlegrounds when a priest is healbotting them.

Hunters are able to attack with melee weapons and ranged bows / firearms. They also get to control pets that can have a multitude of abilites on their own. (Depends on the pet, a tiger is much different then a giant scorpion).

The Priest is a strongest healer in the game. They can protect people from even the most dire of circumstances as long as they are not being attacked themselves. They are often the most prized possession in raids down the line.

The Rogue is a stealth class that focuses on stealth....

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