
How to MAXIMIZE Book Sales in the Holiday SALES BOOM🎄💥 8-Point Checklist

How to MAXIMIZE Book Sales in the Holiday SALES BOOM🎄💥 8-Point Checklist Get the Bestselling Book Marketing Checklist:

In this video we’re talking about how to position yourself and your books to make the most out of the holiday sales boom. I'll share with you an 8-point checklist that you can implement to position yourself for great success during this crazy rush.

Holiday time is crazy when it comes to e-commerce and you should totally take advantage of it. It usually starts early to mid November, basically sales explode in November, and then in December they explode even more. This spans Thanksgiving, Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and Christmas.
And then the sales do taper off around 20-ish December. In January you can still experience pretty good sales due to holiday gift cards and such that people will be spending.

So what kinda sales are we really talking?
I looked into it, and on November my print book sales are 3-3.5x and in December it goes up to about 6-6.5x.
This will of course vary on the niches you are in but it’s a fairly solid estimate.

Notice I am talking about *print books*, since they are much more gift-able than digital items. Digital sales do have get a spike but nowhere near as much as print books.

Alright with that said, here are the things that you can do (and that I do) to take full advantage of this holiday craziness:

1. Plan ahead
- New books around Summer, Sept, Oct
- Then focus on best selling books – optimize

2. Publish in Print format (also Audio, why not🤷‍♂️)

Optimization points:
3. Make sure your cover is top notch.
A cover has a lot of impact on your sales, and especially so when it comes to using your book as a gift. Who would want to gift a book with an ugly cover? Most people wouldn’t ;-)

4. Make sure you have good reviews.

5. Make sure your description is great

6. Make sure your author page is set up.
People like to buy from people, so if you can show your human-ness and your personality either as the author or the team of writers illustrators that created your books, that will have some impact on your conversions.

7. Set your Ads Up right, and Monitor Them During the Holidays
The demand during holiday time blows up, so all the data you may have worked with before is probably going to be not be as relevant. The demand will be better, meaning, that before if people were picky now, its gonna be easier to convince them to buy.

8. Adjust pricing, be ethical 🙏
Now I do advise you and invite and suggest that you be ethical with this but it is true that you have more wiggle room with pricing during xmas time. If you have that book published in a saturated market, you marked it down where you’re getting a $1 or $1.50 royalty, now is the time where you can bump up your price a little and see what that does.

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