Thank you for your support !
yeey, another outdoor try on :)
5 cute panties i will try on today.
write in comments wich is your favorite ! Love You Kiss Mila
and if you want, Support me on :
see ya :)
*Merry Style
thanks for your support !
All items have been ordered and paid by me!
subrscirbe my channel to see more videos about asmr reviews, lingerie and clothing haul, bikini try on, cooking, pantyhose and panty try on or just enjoy the outdoors with a walk with Mila
more of me at my channel Mila´s World
unboxing strings and get it on to show how it fit underwear review 2019 from Mila´s World
Video: NEW Panty Try On - micro String, Lingerie & Bikini panties haul outdoor try on 2019 ctdytn5
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