
Puppy Wee Herself With Excitement When She Plays With The Kids!! [SO MUCH PERSONALITY!]

Puppy Wee Herself With Excitement When She Plays With The Kids!! [SO MUCH PERSONALITY!] Sooooo hello everyone! If you didn’t already know this is Lola. At our new family addition! At first she was so shy and sad to be away from her mum so I didn’t want to scare her too much by putting her straight in our home with Millie and Rupert and 2 human kids too. We are in the process of moving from 2 bed home to a 5 bed home in the country side so if anybody is worried about the size of our house please don’t worry! For now she has been playing with Millie and Rupert in the day but sleeping at my fathers house so her and millie and Rupert are slowly introduced. I’m so shocked at how well she fits into our family, she’s excited like Rupert and cuddly like millie and the best thing is I cannot explain how much Lola and kade have bonded. Rupert and millie have always loved kade but since parker was born kade sort of took a step back and pretended he didn’t want to be in the videos or was getting to the state where he felt “too cool” to cuddle or kiss the dogs sometimes but wow since we got Lola it’s so amazing too see how strong bonded they have got! Parker is a little scared of Lola because he’s small and she’s small she iumps in his face in excitement and it scares him a little. We are in the process of sorting this out don’t worry! But kade is the perfect height to not get a puppy smack in the face haha! We have so much going on right now so much more too come your all going to be so happy! Thanks for watching and listening. Love you all!


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