
'3 things we have to understand about the body…' Dhammatalk by Ajahn Martin (7|10|19)

'3 things we have to understand about the body…' Dhammatalk by Ajahn Martin (7|10|19) Start (0:41) – Talk(1:28) – Q&A (43:31) – End (47:41)
"3 things we have to understand about the body…" – The path to freedom is the 4th Noble Truth //
Investigating the things we believe we are // Understanding the principle of anatta // Sharpening the knife of wisdom… // Knowledge won’t deliver us to freedom // Investigating the things we always tried to avoid —
A Dhamma talk in English given by Ajahn Martin Piyadhammo on the 7th of October 2019 in the Forest monastery of Phu Khongtong - Thailand (1440p)

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Dhamma,Dhamma Talk,Dharma Talk,Ajahn Martin,Luangta Maha Boowa,Buddha,Thai Forest Tradition,meditation,Luangta Maha Bua,

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