
5 Mistakes You're Making On Arm Day (NO GAINS!)

5 Mistakes You're Making On Arm Day (NO GAINS!) Just last week I received 9 DM's from guys who asked "how can I get bigger arms fast?" After all, nothing will make you look more powerful than big biceps and big triceps! How to get bigger arms fast starts with the proper training approach. There are 5 mistakes that I see in a ton of guys arm training that is causing their biceps and triceps to lack size. Training mistakes mean slow or no gains at all!

The first bigger arms mistake is not twisting your pinky up at the top of each rep to maximize the bicep peak and long head activation. Watch the video closely to see the proper form. The second big mistake is neglecting full range of motion at the top of the rep on certain arm exercises like the dead hang curl. The third arms mistake is not hitting your brachialis muscle with direct time under tension. The fourth big arms mistake is related to incorrect tricep training and not straightening your hand/wrist at the bottom of the movement to hit the medial head of the triceps better. The last arms training mistake is not stretching and activating the long head of the triceps with optimal exercises that involve shoulder flexion.

I really hope you guys enjoy this video. The best thing you could do for me that will help the channel grow is share this video with anyone you know trying to make gains so they can join the Superhuman Fam!




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Keywords Related to video:
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#HowToGetBiggerArms #BiggerArmsFast #bigarms

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