The first week I would say was one of the hardest weeks of my life. Even though I was an athlete I was a swimmer, it took a lot of my inner strength to push through.
Vladimir helped push me through all of the cleanses, he would just say you are cleansing and wait, your cleansing is ok, you are ok. I needed a coach to tell me that I was ok, because a lot of fear came up for me, as well as just absolute physical wipe out. So that's kinda hard because you don't want to feel worse than you are already feeling, so it took time.
You would get a break and you would go oh, this is amazing I feel different. It's like my body knew this was good for me and so if I didn't push through, then I would go back to where I was.
It took months climbing the CP mountain is very hard, but it is worth it I have a strength that I don't know if I had when I was 20 and I am in my 40's now, it is wonderful.