
Dochour - How to join the doctor consultation room

Dochour - How to join the doctor consultation room How to join the online consultation room? - Dochour

After you successfully book your appointment, you receive mail with title "your appointment confirmed". Open the mail and to join the consultation room, click on "click for consultation" button.
you will be redirected to the doctor meeting room.
enter your name and click continue.
For video consultation click on audio+video button.
you will see pop up asking your permission to access your microphone and camera. click allow to proceed.
click on test camera and microphone and test your mic speaker and cam.
if everything is working fine, click on join conversation.
note that yo can not join the meeting before your appointment time. But you can join and the test the room any time you want.It is advised to join your room at least 15 minutes before your consultation to test and make sure everything is working. You can also share the meeting room link URL to your family members or friends (up to 2 extra persons), and invite them to the meeting room.

The meeting room will automatically refresh when the doctor joins meeting and you can have a video consultation.
Once you join the meeting with doctor, there is an option to upload your medical records and this option is only available for people who use desktop or laptop. You can not upload files or medical records on phone and tablet.

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