
Lafey Tops Mandera In KCPE Results Despite Insecurity And Lack of Teachers.

Lafey Tops Mandera In KCPE Results Despite Insecurity And Lack of Teachers. Lafey sub county has topped Mandera county again despite terror threat challenges and a handful trained teachers.
The sub county produced the best students in the county with three scoring over 400 marks in the just released Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE).
Lafey primary school with a mean score of 293 produced the best student in the county, Khalid Yussuf with 407 marks, Abdiraziz Adan 404 and Burhan Khalif 400.
All the three aspire to be doctors and assist in treating residents as many do not get basic health care.
The school's head teacher Khalif Ahmed decried the high insecurity in the area with teachers changing sleeping areas every night to avoid Al Shabaab attacks from Somalia barely 5 kilometers away.
"Apart from insecurity we are in dire need of classrooms, more teachers as we have only ten of them against a student population of 1230, " said Ahmed.
Ahmed disclosed the secret was drawing strategies every year that has seen the school improve its performance year after year.
The school which has 1230 students with 97 students sitting for the KCPE had its last candidate scoring 342 marks.
Lafey ward MCA Abdullahi Siat asked the government to improve security in the area as many non local teachers flew the region after a series of terror attacks in 2014 that was targeting them.
He asked the government to staff schools in the area to enable children acquire basic education.
Abdullahi said the region lacked schools making students to trek for kilometers to acquire education.
"The region has very few schools which are sparsely placed and even the institutions which are there have very few classrooms, we appeal to the national government to construct more learning rooms in the region, " said the MCA.
He said leaders in the region will join hands to help needy bright students who cannot afford school fees through the CDF and county government bursary fund.
He however warned the bursaries are limited and asked banks, NGOs and other partners to help in raising school fees for bright needy students to help them realize their dreams in life.


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