
Practice Stock Investing Risk Free

Practice Stock Investing Risk Free Get a taste of stock marketing investing without risking ANY of your own money, you can practice managing a portfolio of stocks and although this is buy no means a full substitute for getting real life experience, i feel this is a wonderful way to learn long-term stock portfolio management for individual stock investors!.

What Real free stock?
You now have a claim to a stock like Apple, Ford, or Facebook. In order to keep this claim to your stock, sign up and join Robinhood using this link.

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Black Vito Journey:

A couple years ago an old flame of mine was telling me about her stock simulation they were using in her classes. I, a new investor with only a small amount of capital to invest, saw this as a wonderful way to get some experience managing a stock potfolio with less risk and more accelerated learning. So on top of my actual security investments(i.e stocks, R.E.I.T[real estate investment trust], ETFs[exchange traded Fund], etc) I managment this simulated stock portfolio.

The stocks go up and down based off the actual movements in the stock market, so this is excellent training for someone who wants to try there hand a stock picking(though I'm not saying ypu should or shouldn't do either, & none of this should be misconstrued with investment advice,)

This is what I did to learn some of the most fundamental aspects of long-term investing (i.e not day trading nor swing trading), and it helped a lot.

One of the most important thing having this stock simulation and two other real portfolios (that i consider separat albeit they're both mine) is the importance of the buy and hold principle.

My "main" account when i first started investing was the one i did the most buying and selling and focused on the most. It should come as no surprise to long term value investors and the like that this account did the worse. In this account it was mostly individual securities

My secondary account when i first started was doing noticeably better than the "main" account and I did much less buying and/or selling in this account and paid a lot less attention to it relative to my main one. In this account i was mostly invested in etfs that represent the s&p500(I hope you are starting to see a parttern.

Finally the stock simulation account where i bought between 10 & 20 stocks that I thought were phenomenonal companies an then subsequently paid little to no attention to it did far better than all of the abovementioned. I.e: it did better than my main account where i put most of my efforts & it did better than my second account thst basically represented the s&p 500. In short this account far outpaced the s&p 500 and my "main account".

The main factor i saw that lead to the out-performance is the trading frequency, (i.e how often i bought or sold stocks).

There are many lessons one can learn from managing a simulated stock portfolio

Moneyology is a term I thought of meaning the interdisciplinary study of economics, finance, and accounting (notwithstanding others perhaps using moneyology prior to me to mean something completely different, as i later found out)

Training MMA taught me at a young age there are benefits to mixing skills especially related ones. I find economics, finance, and accounting to be very interrelated, and often times 2 or all 3 of them are overlaping to the point that any dichotomy or trichotomy is completely arbitrary(in my very humble opinion). And since they are all pretty much related to how resources have been or will be used, especially money, I thought they are each basically the study of money(and other resources of course). So to study all three together would be money -ology(the study of)
#stockinvesting #investing #investingtips

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