Spider-Man: The Web Series follows Peter Parker as he struggles to maintain his normal life alongside his superhero life. Starting a new job at Oscorp opens up many opportunities for Peter, but is Oscorp more than meets the eye?
EPISODE ONE: With Great Power - Coming Soon EPISODE TWO: Shock and Awe- Coming after Episode One EPISODE THREE: ??? - TBD EPISODE FOUR: ??? - TBD EPISODE FIVE: ??? - TBD
Remember; with great power, comes great responsibility.
-Eric (TheLonelySpider)
TheLonelySpider,Spider-Man,fanfilm,spider-man fan film,spider-man far from home,fan film,mcu spider-man 3,filmmaking,spider-man the web series,spiderman web series,web,series,spider-man fan series,fan series,teaser trailer,homemade,