
Stop Believing in Your 'SELF' and start BEING

Stop Believing in Your 'SELF' and start BEING You must STOP Believing in Your "SELF" and start BEING. If you want to find out your current vibration and receive a personalized meditation click here:

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This video I'm going to show you how to STOP believing in your self and how to start being in the high vibrational state you are meant to BE. This is an absolute game changer. I believe this video can and WILL change your life.

Welcome back to another video my name is Aaron and I help people expand their consciousness. Now in this video I'm going to show you how beliefs which we think are the major thing that we must become aware of in order to change our's actually not so much about changing our beliefs....but it's more about going beyond beliefs entirely.

The reason I say this is because the more I've gone through this rabbit hole of understanding the metaphysics of how we create our own reality, the more have also become aware that every single belief that we can possibly have is a limitation in of itself. Now, what I mean by this is even if you have a belief that says that, let's say for example....

The one that a lot of people will understand is if we have a belief that says, Oh, I could only make $50,000 a year, what'll happen is having that belief, even if you believe you can make more, that's still the limitation in of itself because you'll use that belief for a certain period of time, but you will eventually push through to another level.

So the idea is to understand that these beliefs are in a ways, stories that we tell ourself. So that's the first thing about this that we must understand our beliefs, our stories we tell ourselves about who we are in each one of us has a story that we've agreed to based on many times the, the family that we may have grown up in.

Maybe there's a certain cap that we thought we were able to, uh, how we had the potential of therefore we acquired the same agreement. The stories we have are based on agreement. Those agreements could be, those stories could be in many different areas of our life. For example, maybe you noticed that in your family there was a certain relationship dynamic between your mom and your dad.

Well now you may be playing out a certain relationship dynamic in your life cause you've agreed to it. Or maybe you've not agreed to the way that they've gone about it and you've agreed to something else. You see. But at any level, any limiting belief you have has come from some level of agreement.

You've agreed that this is the way reality is. Then it remained on autopilot and then you continue to experience that over and over and over again with repetition. So in a way we've reprogrammed and programmed ourself to be in a certain type of reality. Now, while a lot of my older YouTube videos did talk about how our beliefs create our reality, this is about understanding that there is a level that is beyond belief.

When you go beyond belief and you go into being, this is where everything begins to change. But first we have to become aware and we have to learn how to change our beliefs to begin with. Now, first off, just to give this context, I am in a to loom right now. I'll be here for a month and I'll be making a lot of videos here and there's a lot of bugs around.

So if you see me scratching myself and stuff, it's because I got bug bites. There's bug bites on my ankles. There's [inaudible]. Maybe that's the story I'm telling myself. I don't know. I'm just saying, but um, that's what if I'm scratching myself now, you know? Okay. Anyways, when it comes to this process of understanding our beliefs now normally we'd say, okay, well I believe right now I am unworthy, so now I'm going to believe that I'm worthy.

I'm going to have this belief that I'm worthy, I'm going to wire it in. But you see that is that is still giving energy to the old reality. We still would be feeding the old reality of feeling unworthy even though we're trying to focus on something else.

The key to this is reinvesting our faith and our focus in a new paradigm....a new way of thinking, a new way of being which is beyond belief and being is about understanding that this is the key. This is the key to this whole video. This whole process that I'm sharing with you.

Adventures by A Himitsu
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0

Music released by Argofox
Music provided by Audio Library

believing,self,being,belief,beliefs,stop believing,believing in yourself,aaron doughty,aaron doughty being,beyond belief,the law of attraction,manifest,start being,beliefs do not create reality,Stop Believing in Your SELF and start BEING,belief shifting,5d consciousness,beyond belief and into being,manifesting beyond belief,stop believing in yourself,the shift experience,being frequency,be as if,being meditation,shifting belief subliminal,loa,bashar,shift,

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