
The Thin Green Line X Prince's Parade

The Thin Green Line X Prince's Parade Truly amazing night at The Tower Theatre! The atmosphere was so warm and was as much a celebration of Prince's Parade as a party for it. It was a resounding sell-out success! A massive thank you to all involved. If only the cabinet of the council would see sense and scrap these ridiculous plans to develop it. As Jack Pound​ said on the night "We should be here to celebrate the Parade, not raising funds to save it!"

And to quote Jack further:

"A Massive thanks to everyone who supported the 'Full House' Party for the Parade last night – The Audience / The Organisers – Penny Snow / Debs Knight & the rest of the Team / John & all the Tower Theatre Crew – The Artists - James Marsh / Shane Record – The Magician – Stuart Wellar - The Muso's - Katie Bradley/ P.Brown (+Sound/Lights) / Jamie Crompton / Frances Knight / Peter Merritt / Sarah Haselgrove / Chris Tophill – The Dancers – Jive Bunnies /Joe / Lauren - not forgetting the Roving Camera man - Jack Brophy. The fight is on 'Tooth and Claw' to remove (regardless of Party Politics) The Dodgy Councillors and MP from Office – Hopefully to be replaced by honest folk dedicated to meet the challenge of these uncertain times."

I'd just like to add my thanks to my amazing wife, Amanda Brophy​ who organised so much of the event. Also to Jack Pound for bringing so many people together and making the night such a success. Finally to my son Jack Brophy​ for this footage of the night and Izzy McDonald​ for making the trip from Norfolk to help!

Together we will Save Princes Parade!

Video - Jack Brophy
Music - The Thin Green Line (Live)


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