
Want to ensure that your big goals are actually accomplished in 2020?

Want to ensure that your big goals are actually accomplished in 2020? Want to ensure that your big goals are actually accomplished in 2020?

Meet Krystle Divertie from Krystle Clear Solutions. Krystle aka. the Organisation Queen approaches systems and processes with passion, lists and outrageous organisation.

If you’ve put your systems and processes in the “Too Hard” basket, Krystle will help you move them into the “Get S#%t Done” basket.

Krystle will speak on "How to Systemise Your Goals So You Can Focus on What You Are Good At" on our upcoming #remoteBusinessSummit.

Watch this quick teaser to learn more about Krystle's talk as well as the prize she's offering for one lucky summit attendee!

Tickets are free until Nov 18 when the 5-day virtual summit kicks off. Register for Krystle's talk now. 👉

#organization #remotework #systemisation #goals

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