So in an effort to give you more of this clarity, in this video I share with you exactly that - what are 3 deciding factors to pretty much any self-published book's success. Generally these will apply to every type of self-publisher, but to different levels. For authors, point 3 will be extra important.
Also, something not included in this list but is assumed you will have already is a high quality book. Something that should go without saying these days. A low quality book will die off and be very quickly put into the unseen abyss of Amazon (i.e. later pages in search).
1) Niche. 90+% sales on Amazon are demand-driven. Creating demand is super expensive and hard. Go in line with what’s already there.
2) Timing. In which part of the trend are you entering the market. Rapidly growing/emerging (best), maintaining – beginning(good)/middle(alright)/end (not best). Tapering off (stay away!).
3) Marketing: Keyword Optimisation, Amazon Ads strategy, plus other marketing steps for authors.