
Amerindian Influences on Popular Culture: Samba PREVIEW

Amerindian Influences on Popular Culture: Samba PREVIEW Samba is a Brazilian dance and music style in which nobody knows for sure where it originated.

Samba was rumored to have derived from slaves but now many modern historians have claimed an African origin of Samba- despite the lack of substantial evidence of any African tribes performing the samba dance or rhythm.

There are some historians who have provided evidence of samba originating with the indigenous people of Brazil, however, there is conflict as to whether its origins are Tupinamba or Tapuia (Tapuya). It could be a mixture of both.

The purpose of this video is not to take away the African presence of samba music because Brazil has always maintained a close relationship with Angola, and it is evident in the musical instruments that are utilized.

The purpose of this video is to show that samba existed among indigenous tribes as far as the Amazon and the evidence is irrefutable.

African and European influences in the Americas are always highlighted at the expense of silencing the Amerindian influences. Perhaps it is because nobody truly knows the differences between the cultures so when they see many "negro" people engaging in a specific dance or music, it is automatically assumed to have arrived from Africa.


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