This is the story of the student who became a planet hunter. When Anne Dattilo attended a guest lecture at the University of Texas she had no idea it would be the start of a journey involving complex algorithms, a space telescope breaking down in orbit, a trip to an observatory in the Chihuahuan desert and, finally, the discovery of two new planets.
To read Anne’s tutorial on how to become a planet hunter go to:
To download Chris’ AstroNet code for yourself go to:
Special thanks to: McDonald Observatory The University of Texas at Austin Andrew Vanderburg Chris Shallue Anne Dattilo
Artificial Intelligence,AI,Machine Learning,ML,Exoplanets,Planets,Solar System,Kepler,Google,Google Brain,Google AI,Open Source,STEM,Women in STEM,University of Texas,Chris Shallue,Andrew Vanderburg,Anne Dattilo,Google Creative Lab,Coding,Open Source Code,Planet Hunting,NASA,Space discovery,TensorFlow,